Organ & Tissue Donation
- Generates National Donor IDs & collects details into Donor Forms
- Executes an Allocation Procedure for Tissues and Organs
- Links Donor, Tissues & Organs with Tissue/Eye Banks and Transplant Centers online
- T-off patients from the Organ Waiting Lists and Tissue Request Lists (El. Diary) and generates National Transplant IDs
- Generates Recipient IDs nationally & collects details into Tissue & Organ Recipient Forms
- Proposes national bar coding system for Tissues
Data Collection
- Deals with more than 38 organ and tissue transplant forms online
- Registers and maintains patients on a Organ Waiting Lists and Tissue Request List (El. Diary)
- Collects Tissue Registration, Transplant & Follow up forms
- Auto-notification of FUP centers (reminds doctors to bring their patients to FUP automatically/ monthly trigger)
- It’s a module responsible for the quality and validation process of the National Transplant Database
- s the follow ups and transplant forms online
HLA Labs
- HLA type entry for donors & recipients
- HLA type validation
- Pre-types, retypes and definitive HLA types register
- HLA reports & statistics
- HLA discrepancy recognition
- Online communication with external tissue typing laboratories
Main national stats reports:
- National Transplant Waiting Lists
- Cadaveric Solid Organ Donors
- Tissue Donors
- Transplants Performed Nationally
- Active National Transplant Waiting Lists
- Transplants From Cadaveric/Live Donors
- etc.
Eye & Tissue Banks
- Maintains tissues currently stored in banks, its expiry dates, its expedition, etc
- Allocates an ophthalmic organs and tissues (see Tissue Transplant Forms)
- Collects tissues/cells specific forms
- Uses already generated National IDs (Case id, Donor id, Recipient id, Request id, Transplant id, Tissue id)
- Shares Electronic Diary & Tissue requests between OPO, Eye & Tissue banks & external users online
- Maintains an unused tissues, etc
Ext User App
- Provides a center specific Tissue Request Lists and Organ Waiting Lists for authorized external users
- Checks tissue recipient & organ patient status online (active, rejected, suspended, removed, transplanted, died)
- Provides online statistics (BOE, tissue summary, donor summary, transplant summary, etc)
- Registers a new patients online
- Provides HLA types and Labs details online
- Controls the follow ups and transplant forms online